Where are you on your journey?

Styles of coaching and mentoring

At Beech Hill Coaching we are experienced in a number of coaching styles and applications whether it’s Executive Coaching, Career Coaching, Performance Coaching or looking at the big picture of where you are on your life’s journey. Blending work-life and private-life has always been a challenge - it’s easy for them to get out of sync or off balance. Coaching can help guide you whether you want to look at the big picture or whether you want to address a specific short term challenge.


Where are we going?

What we get asked

We come across many different questions related to coaching and mentoring. One of the most common is “what’s the difference between coaching and mentoring..?”


The key here is to understand that coaching, in whatever form or style, does not tell you what to do or even advise what you should do, but still leads to definitive actions. As coaches we facilitate and help guide you through whatever topic you bring to coaching. Together we will work on a way forward with you. Coaching is designed to lead to actions. They will be your actions.

Working with a coach will allow you to come up with many thoughts and ideas, address ways to overcome obstacles, actions to access opportunities, plans to blend work and private life goals, change or confirm your career direction and much more.


Mentoring differs from coaching in that we use our experience to guide and advise you on whatever topic you bring to us. We will work in a similar way to coaching but in this case we will also offer advice.


Coaching Examples

Having established that coaching might be useful for you, it’s helpful to look at some examples of what we work on. Coaching can deal with almost all situations that you might want to discuss so we can’t list them all but here are some typical situations/thoughts:

Work/Life Blend

  • My work takes over my life most of the time. I know it’s important but I don’t have time for anything else. People talk about “work/life balance” but for me there’s no balance at all. There are so many things I want to do but I don’t know how to find the time. How do I get control of this..?

  • I think that I need to change my job so I can find more time to be with my family. Up to now it’s been too one-sided - I want to “work to live” not “live to work”. How do I even start to make this change..?

  • I don’t have a long term objective for my career. In fact I don’t even have a medium or short term objective now I think about it! At work it’s all about today and tomorrow and we don’t have plans that I can relate to. That spills over in to my home life. I need to structure my life better.

  • As CEO I recognise that I have a number of hugely talented team-mates here. I want them to thrive in my organisation and for me that means having them consistently performing at the highest level. I also realise that to do this they have to carefully balance their work here with their life outside of work. I want to persuade them to undertake Executive Coaching. How can you help with this..?

Work/career related

  • I’m not happy with my job, but I’m not sure what to do about it.

  • I want to change jobs and move to a new organisation but I’m concerned about making the correct move. I find it really difficult to decide on the next step. How will I know if I’m doing the right thing?

  • I don’t get on with my boss at work - I think they are holding me back and not supporting me. In fact they are a bit of a bully. I want to move on with my career and don’t really want to leave this organisation. I’m not sure how to handle this situation.

  • My close colleague is really difficult to work with. I’m sure they don’t like me but to be successful we must work together. What can I do as I don’t want confrontation, but something needs to change?

  • There has been a vacancy at work and I applied for the job. It was the perfect next step for me but I didn’t get the job - one of my colleagues was appointed. I don’t know how to feel or how to react. Should I stay and be supportive or look for another job and leave? Help!

  • I run this organisation and I think I do a good job at getting my teams to work together, and yet there appears to be constant challenges and conflicts between them. Maybe I need to change my leadership style but I don’t know if that’s the issue.

  • Doesn’t anyone see the big picture like I do..! As CEO I have the vision for the future of this organisation and yet I seem to be running much faster than everyone else. I need them to understand the big picture and support me. I’ve tried everything - I don’t know what to do next!

Changes in Working due to Covid - these are common thoughts and questions that we have seen.

As an individual, we can help you address these.

As an employer, we can work with you to prepare your responses.

  • What’s the new normal?

  • Will we ever get back to what it used to be like?

  • It’s been a strange time but I never want to go back to what we did before.

  • I really value my time now.

  • I miss my old colleagues.

  • The last year has been awful.

  • Working from home is great, but not all the time.

  • The last 12 months has given me the chance to rethink what I really want to do with my life.


We are great at dealing with lots of things but, to be clear, we are not marriage guidance specialists or mediators! However, there are aspects of personal and business relationships that we come across all the time, and can help with that.

  • I’m so stressed at work that I really don’t want to do this anymore but I feel an obligation to provide for the household income. I think I can make this change but I’m not sure how to approach this with my partner.

  • My business partner is my best mate. We’ve done really well over the last few years but now I want to sell my share of the business. I’m really worried about how this could impact the business and our relationship. Where do I start?